Monthly Returns %

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Returns (%)
2024 - - - 5.20 0.05 4.02 0.62 5.32 -1.52 - - - 13.69
Yearly Average Return 13.69
Grand Total Return 13.69

One of our AI Trading Bot, SMARTRobie® FBMKLCI is managing a virtual portfolio of RM50,000, using stock trade ideas generated by the SMARTRobie® Pentagon Guider® System, and above is the monthly report for each month.

Month Returns %
Jan -
Feb -
Mar -
Apr 5.20
May 0.05
Jun 4.02
Jul 0.62
Aug 5.32
Sep -1.52
Oct -
Nov -
Dec -
Yearly Average Return 13.69
Grand Total Return 13.69

One of our AI Trading Bot, SMARTRobie® FBMKLCI is managing a virtual portfolio of RM50,000, using stock trade ideas generated by the SMARTRobie® Pentagon Guider® System, and above is the monthly report for each month.